Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Book Review: The Brown House

I wasn't kidding when I said that The Visitor's series was next on my list. And after participating in the cover reveal for the third book, I was excited to get started. 

Brylee is a California teen who has to move across the country after her father loses his job. They end up in New Jersey, where the creepy house on the book cover becomes their new home. Everyone in town is frightened of the brown house, with talk of people dying in there, and of ghosts. Little did she know, Brylee has the ability to unlock the house's secrets. 

This book had me hooked pretty fast. While the idea of an old, haunted house may seem very first season, American Horror Story, The Brown House is it's own story. But just to warn you: you'll want the second book ready to read because the end of this one is going to have you shaking your fist and cursing. (Or maybe that's just my thing. ) 

After last year, when I discovered both Stacey Rourke and J.B. Lynn, I was wondering if I would find an author this year that I loved as much. Christy Sloat, you're it, lady!  But be warned: I've been known to live fb message authors while reading their books!

Stay tuned for the next review. Grab this book up and let me know what you think!

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